Monday, August 16, 2010

All things squared away


Today I payed my first of four school payments, which started out with a moderately exciting trip to my local bank branch for the first time (where I learned that Chatterjee is an Indian name). The cashier's office was, unsurprisingly, somewhat packed, but the line moved pretty quickly and my stay was short. All matters financial are at present squared away.


Although I still don't have a job, aside from the imminent possibility of some work at Barnes and Noble, I have reached a substantial checkpoint: I have officially written my resume, immortalized in .pdf format to perfectly preserve its carefully picked font selection.


Not too much going on, just catching up on reading. Alex and I had some creative epiphanies and have gotten some work done on our project, and I've grown to be annoyed with all Greek philosophers and their obnoxious sense of perfection.