Friday, August 20, 2010

More stuff got done


No news here; my intention to go out shoving applications and résumés down people's throats was thwarted my a sudden downpour of rain after my morning appointments. Some ancient flood god has it out for me. I'll just have to be even more persistent next week.


I talked to the Philosophy department head, Todd Grantham, and we just talked for a couple minutes to see who my adviser should be and he told me a bit about the Philosophy club, which sounds worth getting involved in if nothing more pressing gets in the way (here's still hoping I actually get involved in the campus TV station).


I went out in the rain to buy some milk, and managed to get to East Bay and follow it the wrong way all the way to Calhoun instead of Harris Teeter. No regrets though, because I did find some new stores I haven't noticed before and I stumbled into a beautiful neighborhood. I ended up buying a somewhat expensive tin of loose leaf Earl Grey. The price for luxury, however, sometimes is worth it. When I got home, wet and tired, I had the best cup of tea I've had in a long time.

Alex and I haven't played Starcraft in a while because his work schedule is leaving him too tired lately. It's just as well, this gives me more opportunities to practice and actually beat him. Which I don't. Instead I'm drawing comics and pictures of RVs in space.

So, not much going on today. Maybe I'll accomplish something worthwhile tomorrow. Or maybe I'll just clean.