This weekend I time traveled. I got the idea from Alex, who did the same on Friday: I went on my Facebook account and I went down my wall, all the way down my wall, back to the day I joined. I've had a Facebook account since about October of 2007, the fall of my Junior year of high school. So much happened between then and now that I all but completely forgot. A lot of direct references to embarrassing episodes in high school, a few subtle hints at some petty crushes. Not much profound, but all little pieces of my life, some sweet, some painful, that I should never forget.
The most wonderful thing I rediscovered was my history with Shelby. Shelby and I met and became friends back when we were freshmen and she was really the only person who consistently made high school worth going to five days a week. We always loved making art together, whether it was good or not. She modeled, I took photos, we drew cartoons together on little sticky notes. She's been like an awesome twin sister to me since we met. Our lives have branched their separate ways in the past few years, but she's still always there to talk to me when I'm having trouble, and to my credit I still can cheer her up when she's down in the dumps. Shelby, if you're reading this, you're the best.
Other than my sentimental Facebook spelunking, my weekend has been relatively unproductive and uneventful. I drew an angry gorilla and a man with an epic beard, and read a bit about the crusades. Now it's getting late, so I bid you all a good night. I'll post again tomorrow.
Disclaimer: Although this was written on International Talk Like a Pirate Day without using the proper vernacular, by the time anyone reads it, the day will be over and nobody will care anymore. On the bright side, while I was time traveling on Facebook, I did change the language settings to Pirate, so the holiday was not forgotten.