Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Yesteday was skipped because I slept through most of it


Whenever I finally got the energy to drag myself out of my room and get out, I dropped by my adviser to inquire about a north campus class that she found on my schedule. We got it squared away and replaced with a three hour night class. I've only had good experiences with those, so hopefully I can look forward to more.

I also finally officially declared my major later in the day. With any luck, my upcoming advising session will get me into some more interesting courses I wasn't allowed to take before. I was a bit hot and tired when I filled out the Major Declaration form, and I think I may have rambled a bit much on the questionnaire (and made some direct slams at George Lucas).


Things are less than hopeful in this department, at least immediately. I did not receive a call from Barnes and Noble and when I dropped by they were terribly busy so I simply gave them my schedule and left. I planned to drop back by later but by the time I made my résumé dropping rounds I was dripping with sweat and had spilled Gatorade on myself.

But I did indeed go out into the world with my résumé, boldly (or at least I'd like to imagine so) presenting myself to a bunch of hotels. The response wasn't encouraging, but I'm hopeful. I don't think I can very much afford not to, otherwise the stress would be awful.


My day started out feeling awful for lack of sleep and evolved to feeling awful from too much heat and finally into feeling awful from too much sugar. For some reason I was inclined to drink lots of orange soda today and I definitely crashed pretty hard. Out of laziness I spent much of the afternoon playing Immortal Defense, which has the dual qualities of being very zen and very nerve wracking. It's really a straightforward tower defense game but the graphics and story transcend the gameplay an make it something unique. I'm looking forward to playing their next game when it comes out.

Also, just to feel productive, I published one of my old draft posts on my other blog, All But Wasted. I have a lot of old junk to post, hopefully I'll get around to it all. Some of it doesn't even need to really be edited (assuming I keep my current standards of quality).